Unicorn – National Unicorn Day on April 11, 2020
Races may have been cancelled, but that doesn’t been running has been. But we realize just how motivating “running for the bling” truly can be, which is why we have created the #teamsparkle virtual runseries… this way we can still run together (at least virtually that is).
Each week we will introduce a new theme (this weekend it’s the #teamsparkle virtual UNICORN run in honor of the upcoming National Unicorn Day on April 11, 2020. Whether you rock our unicorn skirt or unicorn stripe compression socks, this is the perfect time to rock your most fanciful sportswear and share your story (and your pictures) with the #teamsparkle community.)
#TeamSparkle Virtual Rainbow Run
1. Choose your location, then run/ walk/ jog/ bike/ roll or treadmill any amount of miles at any pace this coming weekend (starting April 3rd, 2020). & Each week there will be a new theme.
2. Download a #teamsparkle Virtual Mermaid Run bib:

Unicorn Team Sparkle Virtual Run

Unicorn Team Sparkle Virtual Run
3. Share your photos with the rest of #teamsparkle on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the hashtags #teamsparklevirtualrun and #teamsparkle:
Post pics of your #flatsparkle (we encourage you to incorporate this week’s RAINBOW theme when choosing the clothes and gear you will rock, check out our rainbow shop for a little inspiration), your medal (VIRTUAL medals will be posted to our social media after the weekend), your run, and anything else you want to share.
Although we may be “racing” virtually, by posting your pics to our Facebook page, or using the hashtags #teamsparklevirtualrun and #teamsparkle on Instagram and Twitter, we can cheer everyone on!
3. Make sure to invite your friends, family, &/or running group to participate with you & us VIRTUALLY of course… the more the merrier.
History of Unicorn Day
Unicorns have a long and storied history beyond the fairytales that we know and love today. Ancient Greek writers surmised that they lived in India, a land largely unknown to European civilizations of that time. Unicorns were depicted as powerful and fierce animals.
By the Middle Ages, this image had shifted based on Bible passages thought to be about these fantasy creatures. Unicorns eventually grew to symbolize strength and purity in love. You can even find a sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding a unicorn in her lap and petting it in Warsaw’s National Museum!
The most prominent examples of unicorns in fiction and pop culture today include:
- Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found Thereby Lewis Carroll
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stoneby J.K. Rowling
- The Last Battleby C.S. Lewis
- The My Little Ponyfranchise
- The art of Lisa Frank
Unicorn Day is a celebration of unicorn history and symbolism and is an excellent opportunity to teach children and remind adults about the magic attributed to these mythological creatures.
Want to know more about our National Unicorn Day virtual running events going on until April 11, 2020? You can contact the Sparkle Athletic team at our website or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.