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2010 Bolder Boulder



1.Name: Paige

2.Tell us about your past race/running experience: I’m fairly new to running. Started up two years ago because my mom challenged me to run a half marathon with her. Ever since I crossed that finish line I’ve been hooked! Just this January I ran my first full with my sister and can’t wait to do another.

3. What race did you run? My sister Jaeda & I ran the BolderBoulder 10K in Bolder Colorado

4. Why did you sign up for this race? I ran it last year for the first time with my mom and had a blast! For being so short it’s really a huge race and it’s a ton of fun.

5. What/who inspires you to run? A lot of things and people do. The 70+ year old runners are very inspiring! I hope I can still run at that age! Finish lines inspire me, every single one I have crossed has encouraged me to try cross another. So I guess in that way personal bests inspire me. Also, the chocolate cake in my fridge is a pretty powerful inspiration too ;)

6. What is your best training tip? Sign up for a race with a friend. Or at the very least rope some friends into biking next to you on those long marathon training runs. They will be a life saver! And if that can’t happen get audiobooks on your ipod.

7. Water or Sports Drink? Both.

8. Tell us about the outcome of the race: I have been battling a really annoying knee injury for the past 5 months so the goal was to just plain finish and hopefully without severe pain. Well we finished but yeah, my knee was killing me. I ran with my sister and my good friend Samantha and we were holding such a steady pace that I didn’t want to admit I was dying an walk. Lame, I know. But we finish  in 62 minutes so that’s a steady 10min pace. Also, wearing a sparkling skirt keeps you from slacking off! So many people wear yelling “cute skirts!” that I knew we were very noticeable and I didn’t want the whole street to see me walk the last few miles!

9. Your favorite post-race indulgence? beef jerky, a popsicle and getting our race bibs signed by Ryan Hall!!!!

10. Favorite part of racing in a Sparkle Skirt? The attention. It’s one thing to hear spectators say “good job runners!” but it’s way more motivating and fun to have them yell “ love the skirt!” and “ way to go sparkly skirt girls”  Powering up a hill is way easier when you know their eyes are on you!

The Traveling Sparkle Skirts are a pair of Sparkle Athletic Running Skirts (one Hot Pink & one Turquoise) that travel the globe spreading the Sparkle Athletic love. Read more stories of the Traveling Sparkle Skirts HERE.

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