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Race Day Running Essentials – @jenn13.1

Laying out your #FlatSparkle prior to a race (or even a training run) can help calm some of the pre-run jitters by helping to make sure you have everything you need when the starting gun goes off. Today @jenn13.1 (on social media) is here to share with us some of her race day essentials.


@jenn13.1’s race day running essentials

As soon as I hit “Register” for a race, I start think about what I’m going to need on race day. Not all races are a complete costumed look, but runDisney races are definitely an opportunity to go all out. Let’s chat about my race essentials, specifically when it came to the Avengers Half Marathon. 


Though there will be a few variations, I have a mental checklist of my race day essentials.


I start from the bottom and work my way up…

Shoes “” seems obvious, right? But I want to make sure I have the right shoes for the distance and terrain that I’ll be running on. Then I decide what PRO Compression socks I want to wear. If it’s a race I’ve traveled too, I may even decide on a second pair to change into for recovery and the car ride home.

Next I pick my Sparkle Athletic skirt “” races are more fun when you SPARKLE!  The great thing about Sparkle Athletic skirts is that you can wear whatever you prefer under it.

Then I decide on a tank and sports bra.  Everyone’s preference is different, but the Nike Legend Balance tank and Indy Pro Sports Bra are my go-to. Not only are they comfortable, they fit well and come in a large selection of colors.  

Finally I decide what color Sparkly Soul headband I’m going to wear””I have very fine hair and these are the only headbands I’ve found that don’t move.  


So I’m ready head to toe– now it’s time to accessorize!  If I think it will be sunny, I’ll bring my sunglasses. My Garmin Forerunner 235 is another must “” it will help me keep track of my pace and heartbeat during the race. I also grab my RoadID “” I have a bracelet version and a shoe version. If something were to happen to me during the race and I can’t speak for myself, I feel better know that RoadID would be there to speak for me. I also grab one or two of my Momentum Jewelry wraps for extra motivation. Oh, and I can’t forget, accessories for my costume (such as a super hero princess shield) help to make my idea come to life.


I mentioned that there may be a few variations and they are mostly weather or distance determined.  I very seldom get cold during a race, but sometimes I am cold at the beginning. I have a few pair of arm sleeves for these occasions. If I don’t anticipate a race getting too warm, I may wear a visor or trucker hat to help complete my look. If I am running more than a 10K, I will also bring a hydration pack. I have a handheld and a hydration pack “” I choose which one I’ll need based on the distance, weather and the number of aide stations on the course. I also use Body Glide because let’s be real, no one likes to chafe. Finally, KT Tape can make an appearance for some races “” I’ve had a foot injury and every once in a while it flares up and KT Tape helps to keep me running. Not only does it help provide support, but the wide array of colors offered means I can match whatever outfit I decide on.


One tip “” the night before a race, I hang everything I’m wearing on one hanger. It makes it easy to find, especially if you’re waking up early for a race. It also helps me remember everything so that I’m not rushing around in the morning wondering “where is that?!”.   


A big thanks to Jenn for sharing some of her race day essentials with #teamsparkle.

As we all know, race day can be a stressful time. One way to relieve some of the pressure is by making sure you have everything you may need when the starting gun goes off. Whether you are traveling across the country for a racecation or down the street for a local race, having a list and checking it twice to make sure you have all of your necessities can be the difference between a successful race and a stressful race.

Everyone is different when it comes to what they need or desire on race day, which is why we thought asking the amazing #teamsparkle community about their race day essentials could be a great resource for us all. Maybe it will serve as a reminder of something you forgot to pack or tip you off to a new product you’d like to try.

If you’d like to be featured on an upcoming Sparkle Athletic “Race Day Essentials“ post, please email us at raceday@sparkleathletic.com.

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