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Meet #teamsparkle – @conniekos

We think THE best part about Sparkle Athletic is the AHH-MAZING people that make up #teamsparkle. We are so incredibly lucky to “meet” (IRL and virtually) so many team members, but we thought it’s about time we introduced the people that make up this inspiring & motivating community.

With that being said, it’s time to meet a member of #teamsparkle. Up next is the ever so sweet Connie, aka @conniekos on social media!


Tell us about your past race/running experience:

Connie: I began running at the age of 46 after a dare by a family member to run a half marathon. I hated running and can only think back to my younger days and being late to cheerleading practice so I could skip the run part. Twice around the track sounded like torture at age 17!!! Never ever thought it would stick and become such a fun and exciting part of my life. I love to travel on racecations and have made many new friends along the way. 40 half marathons and 5 fulls later I’d say running has stuck!!!


We are so glad you are a part of #teamsparkle. When did you first join and what color was your first skirt?

C: I purchased my first Sparkle Athletic skirt at a race expo in Anaheim, the Tinkerbell Half Marathon. I liked the idea of covering my butt, fanny, junk-in-the-trunk, whatever you call it and what a fun way to do it! I bought the gunmetal skirt thinking it’ll go with everything and I’ll probably only buy one so make it useful – ..Ha Ha Ha, I think I own every color now. They really make racing more fun and who doesn’t want to be a part of the #teamsparkle crew?


What/Who inspires you to continue running?

C: I am inspired to keep going because of the difference it makes in my life. When I go too long without a run I feel down, sluggish and say mean things to myself. My self-talk can get really negative at times, I’m always amazed at how different it is after a run. I like to keep goals big and small in front of me to keep me hungry to improve. When those goals are reached nothing else compares to that feeling – .NOTHING!!! I’ve boldly stepped up and hired a coach this year. I’d like to qualify for Boston one day and I’ve totally learned to never say never!


We all know how much #teamsparkle loves their treats as much as they love running… What’s your favorite indulgence?

C: Treats, oh how I love treats!! Trying to pick one is like picking a favorite child. I feel like I’m 5yrs old when I see a soft serve ice-cream cone with sprinkles!! I have a little happy dance when someone brings doughnuts and I pretend like I’m doing baking research when I see a cupcake shop – I’ll take one of each please, for “analysis”. (Insert tongue out emoji here) It’s a good thing I’m a runner.


Which Sparkle Athletic product is your favorite “go to”?

C: My favorite product is most definitely the skirts. They hold up well to washing, and they are the only thing that still looks pretty after a race. I’ve got some pictures to prove that point but I’m not that bold to share. I also love the visors!! They are so comfortable and look cute on everyone. It makes getting ready for a race at crazy early morning hours a piece of cake, ponytail, visor, done! I have my fingers crossed that one day they will come out with a skirt that looks like jeans, how fun would that be?!?!


What is one of your favorite parts of racing in a Sparkle Athletic skirt?

C: Often times I’ll get to a race alone, you can’t always run the same races as your friends. Lottery schmottery ugh – anyway, I digress – It doesn’t take long to see someone from #teamsparkle and strike up a conversation. I mean come on, we already have two things in common we both love waking up early to run and we’d like to have fun doing it. Instant friend, just add skirt… bonus if #teamsparkle has doughnuts around.


Thank YOU so very much for “joining the team.” Individually each & every one of you is amazing but as a “team” we ROCK.

Everyone has a story, and we want to hear YOURS! The #teamsparkle community is such a loving and inclusive group, but often times we are tackling our runs solo. Knowing your teammates can help you to feel more a part of the running community.

If you would like to share your story, whether it is about how you got started running, what motivates your running, why you love running, or how running has changed your life, please let us know! We would love to feature you on an upcoming “Meet The Team“ post – so email us at meettheteam@sparkleathletic.com!

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