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Meet #teamsparkle – Allison

We think THE best part about Sparkle Athletic is the AHH-MAZING people that make up #teamsparkle. We are so incredibly lucky to “meet” (IRL and virtually) so many team members, but we thought it’s about time we introduced the people that make up this inspiring & motivating community.

With that being said, it’s time to meet a member of #teamsparkle. Up first is one of our #Ragnar4Rett runners, Allison!


Tell us about your past race/running experience:

Allison: I really had NO running experience until 2012 when I met the ladies of Team Sparkle. I could jog a few miles but 3 miles was a “long run” to me. Then I met Carrie Lundell while holding a plank at boot camp and from there we were fast friends. At the same time, an organization I’m involved in to support my daughter Emma, who has Rett Syndrome, launched Team Girl Power 2 Cure to run at the 2012 Disney Princess ½ marathon. I had never dreamed of running this distance but Team Sparkle told me I could!! And so that was the first of my races and the beginning of my running journey that has allowed me to meet such incredible people these past 4 years. Now numerous races later, I am finally starting to call myself a runner, a label I resisted for a long time.


We are so glad you are a part of #teamsparkle. When did you first join and what color was your first skirt?

A: I guess I officially joined in 2012 at the Disney Princess ½ Marathon””if that’s defined by the first time I raced in a Sparkle Athletic skirt. But really I feel like I joined when I met Carrie, Elise, and Kelly in 2011. I’m lucky enough to live near these incredible women and call them my BRFs! My first skirt was purple which I wore at that 2012 Disney Princess ½.

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What/Who inspires you to continue running?

A: I alluded to it earlier, but I have a daughter, Emma, with a severe disability called Rett Syndrome. Rett Syndrome has stolen Emma’s ability to control her body, things like walking, running, talking, grasping, pointing, something that we take for granted. So when I run, I run for Emma and all the girls (and boys) with Rett Syndrome. Running has now become symbolic for me in my fight against Rett Syndrome and our quest to cure this disease””and it is a way we raise funds for a cure. Right now I am in my 6th year fundraising for the 2017 Disney Princess ½ Marathon for Team Girl Power 2 Cure and part of a unique opportunity to “Dream Big,” a Revlon sponsored challenge to win $1 million dollars!!! But it’s more than just running for Emma, Sparkle Athletic is a part of this journey””from training partners to friends for Emma to our Ragnar 4 Rett team at the SoCal Ragnar race the past 4 years – the two are intimately intertwined for me.


We all know how much #teamsparkle loves their treats as much as they love running… What’s your favorite indulgence?

A: I am definitely in the club “I run to eat”. My favorite post-run treat is chocolate milk but for sure my favorite indulgence is ice cream! And if my run allows me more than one treat, pizza is another favorite and I’m always up for some sweet potato fries!!

Which Sparkle Athletic product is your favorite “go to”?

A: Well, I have what I think might be an unusual answer here, but my everyday Sparkle Athletic I can’t live without is my 2014 Sparkle Athletic hat. This is a staple on all my runs. When I reach for a skirt—my favorite right now is the white one “” I love how it sparkles.


What is one of your favorite parts of racing in a Sparkle Athletic skirt?

A: I think what I love the most is that it makes me feel “Like a Girl”. I feel beautiful and strong. I also love that it brings people together. I have met such amazing friends through Team Sparkle and it all started with a Sparkle Athletic skirt!!


Thank YOU so very much for “joining the team.” Individually each & every one of you is amazing but as a “team” we ROCK.

Everyone has a story, and we want to hear YOURS! The #teamsparkle community is such a loving and inclusive group, but often times we are tackling our runs solo. Knowing your teammates can help you to feel more a part of the running community.

If you would like to share your story, whether it is about how you got started running, what motivates your running, why you love running, or how running has changed your life, please let us know! We would love to feature you on an upcoming “Meet #teamsparkle“ post – so email us at meettheteam@sparkleathletic.com!

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