The DC Wonder Woman Run race series reminds us that Wonder Woman is definitely one of our childhood heroes, if not “the” childhood hero – in fact our Wonder Woman running costume was one of the first running costumes we ever created. So, when the opportunity to be a sponsor for the DC Wonder Woman Race Series presented itself, we jumped at it – or rather ran at it with full speed. After all, we are big believers in the idea that we are all “wonder women.”
DC Wonder Woman Race Series
Interested in participating in any of the DC Wonder Woman Races? You’ll have your choice of running either the Wonder Woman 5K or the Wonder Woman 10K – don’t worry though, no matter which distance you choose, there’s an awesome medal waiting for you at the end.
Next you can choose from any (or all) of the following Wonder Woman Run locations:
Wonder Woman Sacramento (Sacramento, California: 9/22/18)
Wonder Woman Oakland (Oakland, California: 10/13/18)
Wonder Woman San Jose (San Jose, California: 10/21/18)
Wonder Woman Los Angeles (Los Angeles, California: 11/6/18)
Wonder Woman San Diego (San Diego, California: 11/18/18)
& If you can’t make any of the California races, don’t worry – there’s even a vitual Wonder Woman Run option (which means you can run the race anytime, anywhere). How “wonderful” is that?!
DC Wonder Woman Run Registration
Ready to register for either the DC Wonder Woman 5K or the Wonder Woman 10K? Check out the DC Wonder Woman Run website here, but don’t forget to use the promo code sparkle15 for 15% of your Wonder Woman race registration.
Really & truly this is our newest favorite race, and one you definitely don’t want to miss. The Wonder Woman photo ops are pretty epic, and there is something incredibly empowering about running with thousands of women (& men) dressed as Wonder Woman!

Wonder Woman Running Costume
Now that you’re are signed up for a Wonder Woman race, it’s time to think about what to wear (our favorite part of race prep). Luckily for you creating the perfect Wonder Woman running costume is super-duper easy, especially because the DC Wonder Woman Run provides you with a Wonder Woman running shirt or tank top with your registration, so all you really need is a Wonder Woman running skirt… Ta da! A super simple Wonder Woman running outfit.
But if want to “up” your Wonder Woman game even more, we’ve got you covered. Think about adding any (or all) of the following Wonder Woman running gear to your running costume:
* {one} gold Sparkle Headsweats Visor (adding a red star sticker will make it a super legit Wonder Woman running visor)
* {one} pair of gold Sparkle Sleeves or if you’re a fan of the original Wonder Woman, you may prefer silver Sparkle Sleeves to represent her Bracelets of Submission.
* {one} red super sparkle cape (attach the ties to the straps of your sports bra, so it doesn’t “pull” at you as you run)
* {one} pair blue and white star Race Legs Compression Socks or red and white stripe Race Legs Compression Socks
* {one} pair of gold lightning bolt shoe Shwings
FYI, you can get NEARLY everything you need for your Wonder Woman Running Costume here…you’re welcome!
So now, the only question is – who’s going to join us at any (or all) of the upcoming Wonder Woman races?