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2014 Rock n Roll San Antonio Marathon



Your Name: Telander


Tell us about your past race/running experience: I have run 9 half marathons and two full marathons


What race did you run? I ran San Antonio Rock n Roll full Marathon wearing the traveling skirt.


Why did you sign up for this race? I knew this race would be a challenge, and that’s exactly what I wanted.


What/Who inspires your to run? I love testing my body’s limit. I am inspired by many runner friends.


What is your best training tip? Be consistent!


Water or Sports Drink? Both water and sports drink are important during a race.


Tell us about the outcome of the race: I PRd by 30 minutes on a super hilly, tortuous course! There were time during the race that I wanted to quit, but I knew I had to keep pushing. I was ecstatic when I crossed the finish line.


Your favorite post-race indulgence? I had a big cheeseburger as my post race indulgence.


Favorite part of racing in a Team Sparkle skirt? I got lots of compliments on the Team Sparkle skirt.


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