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2013 Real Girls Run 1/2 Marathon



Name: Desi


Tell us about your past race/running experience: I’m a new-ish runner. Started running a little more than a year ago during a bad breakup and it has stuck!


What race did you run? Real Girls Run Half-marathon


Why did you sign up for this race? Liked the idea of it being girls-only and inclusive for runners of all speeds and levels


What/Who inspires your to run? I like to run and raise money for breast cancer in honor of my mom, a survivor, and in memory of two of my aunts, who passed from breast cancer.


What is your best training tip? Cross-train, cross-train, cross-train! I got really burned out on running only for a while. Incorporating kettlebells, Les Mills classes, and focusing on my dance background again helped me break through!


Water or Sports Drink? water or Nuun!


Tell us about the outcome of the race (can share time, pace, feelings, or a simple “I finished”): I finished. Was the worst run of my life, honestly! I finished on crampy legs in 3:05, if that’s any indication of how my day was…


Your favorite post-race indulgence? CHOCOLATE MILK! By the gallon, preferably.


Favorite part of racing in a Team Sparkle skirt? Feeling like I’m part of a team – especially in a race this tough, it gave me a little extra sparkle and inspiration to know that I wasn’t out there solo!


Twitter ID: @anortherngirls


Link to race recap: it’s not up yet, but my blog isĀ www.anortherngirl.com

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