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2013 Davis MOOnlight Run



Your Name: Marjorie

Tell us about your past race/running experience: I started running about 2 years ago. I was pregnant with my second child and my husband told me I needed a hobby. After I had my son I signed up for a 5k and thought I was going to die after the first mile. Since then I have completed many 5ks and 10ks.

What race did you run? I wore the traveling skirt for my first half marathon in Davis California at the Davis Moo-nlight Race on July 13, 2013.

Why did you sign up for this race? It is in a series of races that I was doing and it was my first half marathon.

What/Who inspires your to run? At first I ran for me. I actually enjoy it. I run to compete with myself. I think now I run for my 7 year daughter. She enjoys doing these races with me!!

What is your best training tip? I used to run as fast as I can to get farther quicker but then had to walk the rest of the race. I think pacing yourself is the best training tip I can give. If you can talk while running anf not get winded that is a good pace.

Water or Sports Drink? Mostly water. But I have been introduced to Nuun Hydration tablets and really like them.

Tell us about the outcome of the race (can share time, pace, feelings, or a simple “I finished”): I had a goal of 3 hours for my first half marathon. I finished in 3 hours and 12 secs. At about mile 10 I wanted to call my husband to come pick me up and be done with the race. But I finished. My husband, daughter and son were waiting for me by the finish line and ran over it with me!

Your favorite post-race indulgence? Bagels and bananas are the best for me.

Favorite part of racing in a Team Sparkle skirt? All of the compliments for it. And being able to tell every one who Team Sparkle is and what the traveling skirt is. It was such an honor wearing it. Thank you!!

Twitter ID (if you have one): @margiemetcalf

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