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2011 Capital City Half Marathon



1. Name: Carla

2. Tell us about your past race/running experience: I started running in December 2009 and have participated in about 14 races since then, four of them half marathons.

3. What race did you run? I wore the pink traveling skirt in the Capital City Half Marathon on May 15, 2011.

4. Why did you sign up for this race? At the time I signed up, this was going to be my second of three half marathons in 90 days, which would qualify me for Half Fanatics. As it turned out, I ran a half the week before, so I qualified for Half Fanatics earlier than originally planned, while wearing the skirt!

5. What/who inspires you to run? My dad, who was able to fight cancer for many years because of his good health. Cancer ultimately took him, but he taught me to be strong by his example. I am also inspired by the runners of all shapes, sizes, and ages that I see everywhere.

6. What is your best training tip? Respect the distance, and be prepared!

7. Water or Sports Drink? Nuun.

8. Tell us about the outcome of the race: The race was in the pouring rain, but I had the most fun I’ve ever had during a half marathon. Because it was a training run for me, as well as my third race in three weeks, I was not going for a PR. I was happy with my finish time of 2:11.

9. Your favorite post-race indulgence? Grilled cheese sandwich.

10. Favorite part of racing in a Sparkle Skirt? Talking with other female runners about outfits.

Additional info:
Blog: http://runningismamasmidlifecrisis.blogspot.com/
Race recap HERE

The Traveling Sparkle Skirts are a pair of Sparkle Athletic Running Skirts (one Hot Pink & one Turquoise) that travel the globe spreading the Sparkle Athletic love. Read more stories of the Traveling Sparkle Skirts HERE.

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