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2011 Beach to Chowder Half Marathon



1. Name: Amy

2.Tell us about your race experience: I stood out in the crowd while we were all waiting for the race to start!  Several people wanted to know about my skirt.  Along the race course several women shouted, “go team-sparkle!”  It was GREAT! I can’t wait to buy a skirt. My daughter who is 11 wants one too. She is starting to do kids races.

3. What race did you run?I ran the Beach to Chowder 1/2 Marathon in Long Beach, Washington.

4. Why did you sign up for this race? I thought it sounded like fun to run along the Pacific Ocean;beach trails.It was an historic area (explorers Lewis&Clark).  The commraderie is better at smaller races.

5. What/who inspires you to run? I want to be a good role model for my kids on being healthy and fit. I use running as my quiet time;De-stress, relax, pray. I like to challenge myself and be competitive.

6. What is your best training tip? I find it works well to do several shorter runs during the week with a long run on the weekend. I also do weight lifting:a class called “BodyPump”

7. Water or Sports Drink? I prefer to drink water during my runs. On long runs I also use GU.

8. Tell us about the outcome of the race: I felt empowered after the race and was on cloud 9.

9. Your favorite post-race indulgence? a good quality cheeseburger, french fries and a cold beer!

10. Favorite part of racing in a Sparkle Skirt? I felt girly!.  People cheered for me along the race course. Inspired!

The Traveling Sparkle Skirts are a pair of Sparkle Athletic Running Skirts (one Hot Pink & one Turquoise) that travel the globe spreading the Sparkle Athletic love. Read more stories of the Traveling Sparkle Skirts HERE.

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