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Picking the Perfect Running Outfit

Don’t get us wrong, making sure you put in the training for your upcoming race is obviously important, but so is picking out the perfect running outfit. Not only do you want to show up to the starting line feeling prepared and ready to run, but you also want to feel strong, sparkly and confident. Having the the right running gear may not be able to help with running your training miles, but it may definitely be able to help with attitude, outlook and performance.

Here’s the thing, there are many factors to keep in mind when picking the perfect running outfit. We’re here to make sure you think through as many as possible before crossing the start line.

When Picking a Running Outfit, Don’t Forget to Consider:


As runners, not only are we known for the miles we put in, but also for our weather stalking abilities. The weather on race day may be out of our control, but making sure you have the proper running outfit for whatever Mother Nature throws at you is definitely something you can prepare for. If the temperature at the start is on the colder side but is expected to warm up throughout the race, consider adding a pair of arm sleeves so you can keep them on when you are chilly but roll them down or take them off when you start to heat up. If the humidity is predicted to be high, make sure you are running in a performance top that will help wick away moisture as opposed to a cotton tee that will quickly get sweaty and soggy.


This is one of our favorite details to keep in mind when deciding on a running outfit. There is a different color for whatever mood you may be in. And you can’t forget about the possibility of matching your outfit with the theme of the race. We love wearing bright (and sparkly) colors because not only does it help you feel happy, it also helps friends and family spot you easier. Whatever color you decide to rock, make sure to tell your spectators what you will be wearing so they can keep their eyes peeled and cheer their hearts’ out when they see you.


When you aren’t worrying about pulling up your running shorts or fiddling with your sports bra you have more energy to put towards the physical act of running. As runners we often have our go-to running outfit (whether that’s because how it makes us feel or a memory it’s associated with), which is great, but make sure the gear still has enough life left in it to get you to the finish line. Now, hear us out, we’re not saying buy all new gear the night before your race, because, as you have probably heard before, “nothing new on race day”, but we are suggesting you carefully consider the fabrics, elasticity, fit, etc of the clothes you’re planning to wear. The last thing you want to do is worry about how your clothes will perform when you’re trying to run. The better your gear performs, the better you perform.


Sure, the texture and “feel” of the clothes you plan to wear is important, but this point is actually about how the clothes make YOU feel. When you feel confident, you run confident. If you feel your best when you are rocking a black running skirt because it makes you feel like a ninja, then wear it. If unicorn and rainbow running crops remind you that you’re magical and can do anything you set your mind to, then rock them. If throwing on a cape makes you feel like you can fly, then tie one on. When you feel your best, you can run your best.

Every runner is different and every run may require different running clothes – but you can still find the ideal gear for every workout. Whether your perfect running outfit consists of a tank top and leggings or a cape and sparkle skirt, make sure it works for the conditions you expect to encounter, doesn’t hinder your movement, allows you feel your best and then enjoy every step.

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