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Race Day Running Essentials – @essiedee

Laying out your #FlatSparkle prior to a race (or even a training run) can help calm some of the pre-run jitters by helping to make sure you have everything you need when the starting gun goes off. Today Sarah, aka @essiedee on Instagram, is here to share with us some of her race day essentials…


@essiedee’s Avenger’s Half Marathon Race Day Running Essentials

I love to run. I could easily tell you my favorite Asics Gel Kayano’s with #teamsparkle Shwings (so I can FLY!) are the only thing I’d need on race day… but, let’s be honest!! One of my favorite race day essentials is to give myself some GRACE! My #flatrunners aren’t perfect, my goal pace is going to wander, and something MAY happen on the course to throw me off. But it’s all good! I’m all about the fun, the smile and the bling at the finish line. In general, my race staples are coordinating tops and a #SparkleAthletic skirt. I’ve done a lot of Disney based races, so my outfits are geared towards the theme of the race.


Favorite Running Skirt

The #flatrunner above was for the Inaugural Avengers Half Marathon. I went with the color scheme of HULK and wore a fun shirt and coordinating sparkle skirt. It was chilly that day, so a cheapo sweatshirt is included to toss at the start line. If you are like me and get super cold waiting for the start of a race, troll the clearance section of your favorite big box store for easy stuff to toss before you start running. Thrift stores work great for that too!


Favorite Running Accessories

I’ve run 13 half marathon and a few dozen 5Ks and 10Ks now, so my #flatrunners have evolved. Watches are different, compression socks (like Pro Compression brand) are now a MUST and tummy friendly fuel is generally found in a Roo Pocket or Tube Belt on my waist. All I need next are a pair of cheap sunnies, some lip balm and an attitude of RADITUDE! Let’s RACE!!!


A Big thanks to Sarah for sharing some of her race day essentials with #teamsparkle.

As we all know, race day can be a stressful time. One way to relieve some of the pressure is by making sure you have everything you may need when the starting gun goes off. Whether you are traveling across the country for a racecation or down the street for a local race, having a list and checking it twice to make sure you have all of your necessities can be the difference between a successful race and a stressful race.

Everyone is different when it comes to what they need or desire on race day, which is why we thought asking the amazing #teamsparkle community about their race day essentials could be a great resource for us all. Maybe it will serve as a reminder of something you forgot to pack or tip you off to a new product you’d like to try.

If you’d like to be featured on an upcoming Sparkle Athletic “Race Day Essentials” post, please email us at raceday@sparkleathletic.com.

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