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2012 Great River Ragnar Relay



1. Name: Jennifer

2. Tell us about your race experience:   I started running 18 months ago, in order to LEARN how to run for a Warrior Dash that I signed up for, in order to support my husband’s desire to get fit. (Yes – I did it for someone else, not myself… Isn’t that what moms do?) I joined a local running group, Moms on the Run. (Momsontherun.com) It is a couch to 5K program, with a group of women, learning to run, just like you! Coaches, social outings and friendship, make the training that much more tolerable!) Last year, I ran a few 5K’s, the Warrior Dash, and not much else. This year, I agreed to run in a half marathon in October, which has meant all kinds of races leading up to it!

3. What race did you run? I ran the Great River Ragnar Relay. It is a 12 person, 200-mile, relay race from Winona, MN to Minneapolis, MN.

4. Why did you sign up for this race? Friends – Jason and Jenny West, told my husband and I that it was an experience that you couldn’t imagine, nor could you miss it! It sounded crazy enough to be amazing!

5. What/who inspires you to run? The women that I run with daily. People have lost family, husbands, battled depression, weight loss and gain. The kinship that is gained by running with people who share some of the same daily struggles, is amazing.

I also run so that I can be a happier, healthier, role model for my kids. I never saw my mom do anything other than walk and smoke cigarettes. I want to be something that they can be proud of.

6. What is your best training tip? Find someone to run with! It will make the miles fly faster! And it pushes you to go faster and further than you thought you could!

7. Water or Sports Drink? I have never been a fan of sports drinks. I have to push myself to drink water. I am a Diet Coke kind of girl! 🙂

8. Tell us about the outcome of the race: I ran three legs, (all five miles) at 5pm, 3am, and noon. Total amount of sleep for 36 hours – 90 minutes. It was brutiful. By that I mean that it was so great to celebrate 11 other people, all having some kind of personal best. So way that they did something more than the expected for our team, the Roadkill Warriors. But is was hard. The third run in particular, I was dehydrated, despite my best hydration efforts, and I was tired and battling a cold. All this translated into side aches and slower times. I had ROCKED my first two legs, coming in 5 minutes under my predicted pace on each one. But my third leg had me running on fumes. When it was all done, rather than be disappointed, I was able to say three things. 1 – I was glad to be DONE. 2 – I was able to perform at my overall predicted pace. I didn’t slow anyone down. 3 – Even at a 12 minute pace on my last leg, I was still passing people – which still counted as roadkill! 🙂

I wore a different Sparkle Skirt for each leg, but my Traveling Sparkle Skirt was all a part of my Wonder Woman theme for the night leg. I needed the extra confidence to tackle 300 feet of hills at 3 am! 🙂

9. Your favorite post-race indulgence?  Wow – pretty much everything! I get “RUNgry!” After Ragnar – it was Chinese food!

10. Favorite part of racing in a Sparkle Skirt? I love the “sass” of the skirts! It makes it so fun. And people are drawn to them! I think that people underestimate the confidence boost a little sparkle can provide!

Additional info:
Follow Jennifer on Twitter at @RagnarRoadkill

The Traveling Sparkle Skirts are a pair of Sparkle Athletic Running Skirts (one Hot Pink & one Turquoise) that travel the globe spreading the Sparkle Athletic love. Read more stories of the Traveling Sparkle Skirts HERE.

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