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2013 Zooma 1/2 Marathon Cape Cod

2013-09-28 07.11.29-1


Your Name: Dani

Tell us about your past race/running experience: I always hated running. I mean avoided it with all my being (aka catcher in softball so I wouldn’t have to run :P). But in 2005 I gave it a shot as I was trying to lose weight. I started with 1/2 a mile week 1 in January 2005 and increased it each week. By September 2006, I ran my first marathon. I then took a little over 4 years off from running. After having back surgery in January 2011, I wanted to give running another try. Since June 2011 when I was cleared to workout again, I have been hooked. Running s such a big part of my life now. It has truly changed my life and was a big part in my 80 lb weight loss journey.

What race did you run? ZOOMA Women’s Series Half Marathon on Cape Cod – September 28, 2013

Why did you sign up for this race? How could I pass up an opportunity to run with a bunch of amazing women on the Cape. Since it is a women’s series run, the field was 95% women and a truly inspirational run. For many, it was their first 10k or Half Marahton.

What/Who inspires your to run? Race Bling. 🙂 I love a good medal. I hang them up in my room to inspire me to keep pushing and motivate me to run when I don’t want to. After crossing the Boston Marathon Finish Line a minute before the explosion this past April, I now run for those that can’t!!

What is your best training tip? Have fun. If you are dreading a run then throw on a Team Sparkle skirt or a fun pair of knee socks. Each run won’t be perfect, but you can make the most of it by just enjoying the experience. I love throwing a sparkle running skirt on a for a touch 18-mile training run.

Water or Sports Drink? Water before and during and Low-Fat Chocolate Milk after.

Tell us about the outcome of the race (can share time, pace, feelings, or a simple “I finished”):  I was elated. I had been battling injury and made it through the race without any pain. I had another half marathon the next day so I tried to keep my pace in check and I was happy to post a 1:47:35 (8:13 min/mile). It wasn’t a PR, but I wasn’t going for that. I did find out afterwards that I ended up 4th in my division by seconds. Ahh had I only known. 😉

Your favorite post-race indulgence? A nice cold craft beer!!

Favorite part of racing in a Team Sparkle skirt? The cheers from the crowd. It is ALWAYS a fan favorite so I love hearing “yay sparkly girl” or “i love your sparkle skirt” from spectators. 🙂

Twitter ID (if you have one): @IrishEyes1982

Link to race recap (if you have one): http://www.weightoffmyshoulders.com/2013/10/zooma-womens-half-marathon-928/

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