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2013 Dumbo Double Dare


Name: Amy

What race did you run? Disneyland Dumbo Double

Why did you sign up for this race? I wanted the medals from an inaugural race and the coast to coast challenge medal! Yes I do it for the bling 😉

What/Who inspires your to run? My kids inspire me to run. After my first husband past I realized I am the only parent left for my oldest and he needed a healthy mom, then when my youngest was born with heart defects it strengthened my resolve to run or a healthy heart!!

What is your best training tip? Be consistent and follow a plan!

Water or Sports Drink? Both! I like the electrolytes but need the water to wash down the taste

Tell us about the outcome of the race (can share time, pace, feelings, or a simple “I finished”): This was my best race EVER ( must have been the magic sparkle skirt) I set a personal record on the half marathon time by 16.5min and felt great after that we spent the day in parks.

Your favorite post-race indulgence? Texas Tangled Twists! They are hand cut potato chips toped with bacon, cheese and queso sauce

Favorite part of racing in a Team Sparkle skirt? The comments from others and how great/light it felt

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