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2012 Blue Moon Wicked 10K


1. Name: Sheena

2.Tell us about your race experience:   It was a great race, despite the impending hurricane. The headwinds were strong, the knish party had to be moved due to safety reasons (thanks a lot Sandy!), but despite all of that, I ran strong and PR’d by over 9.5 minutes!

3. What race did you run? Blue Moon Wicked 10k in Virginia Beach, vA

4. Why did you sign up for this race? A costume race put on by the best racing company I’ve ever seen (J&A Racing). Need I say more?!

5. What/who inspires you to run? I first started running again when I joined Team in Training, in memory of my amazing nephew CJ. He continues to be my inspiration for every race that I do.

6. What is your best training tip? Listen to your body!

7. Water or Sports Drink? Nuun is always handy. I’ve got one in my drawer, one in my purse and one in the car.

8. Tell us about the outcome of the race: 9.5 minute PR 🙂 I ran this 10k against strong headwinds but managed to finish in 1:01:09 next goal: under an hour!

9. Your favorite post-race indulgence?  J&A RACING threw us a FABULOUS finish party! Bakers Crust chili in a bread bowl and 2 free Blue Moons!

10. Favorite part of racing in a Sparkle Skirt? I received quite a few compliments, and I didn’t even feel it while I was running!

Additional info:
Blog: sheenabean
Race recap HERE
Follow Sheena on Twitter at @sheenabean13

The Traveling Sparkle Skirts are a pair of Sparkle Athletic Running Skirts (one Hot Pink & one Turquoise) that travel the globe spreading the Sparkle Athletic love. Read more stories of the Traveling Sparkle Skirts HERE.

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