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2011 OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon



1. Name: Alma

2.Tell us about your past race/running experience: I’ve been running off & on but mostly on since high school. Running is my relief and especially since having my first child, I look forward to running as MY TIME. I’ve done a lot of races from 5k to half marathons over the years but this year I’m attempting my first ever marathon!

3. What race did you run? I wore my super-powered Sparkle Skirt for the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon in Indianapolis, IN.

4. Why did you sign up for this race? I love racing. It keeps me motivated and gives me something to train for. I have friends in Indy who do the Indy Mini Marathon and rave about how great it is. Also, it is the largest half marathon in the U.S.! How could I NOT do this race?

5. What/who inspires you to run? Every runner inspires me to run. Being an “older” mom, my son also inspires me because I want to be able to keep up with him as we grow up together.

6. What is your best training tip? My best training tip is to listen to your body, don’t push to do too much to fast.

7. Water or Sports Drink? Water or sports drink? YES! Water for shorter runs and HEED by HammerNutrition for longer runs. LOVE all the Hammer products.

8. Tell us about the outcome of the race: The Indy Mini was my first real race post-baby and my goal was to tie my pre-baby PR of 1:47. I’ve been following the Furman FIRST program and it really pushes the speed work. At the Mini, all that hard work paid off because I smashed my goal and got a new PR of 1:44!

9. Your favorite post-race indulgence? The best post-race indulgence is chocolate milk or a chocolate milkshake. Deeeelish!

10. Favorite part of racing in a Sparkle Skirt? The best part about racing in a Sparkle skirt (besides just being super cute) is that it pulls you into conversations with people while you’re running. Everyone wants to talk to the girl in the Sparkle skirt!

Additional info:
Blog: http://averagewomanrunner.blogspot.com/
Pre-Race Post HERE & Race recap HERE

The Traveling Sparkle Skirts are a pair of Team Sparkle Running Skirts (one Hot Pink & one Turquoise) that travel the globe spreading the Team Sparkle love. Read more stories of the Traveling Sparkle Skirts HERE.

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