We are SO excited for our Magical #teamsparkle Virtual Race Series… a three-month long virtual race series, with ACTUAL bling that ships once each month (in May, June & July) – so you will always have something magical to look forward to in your mailbox.
Soon, our “Run For The Bling” medals and bibs will be shipping, which means it’s almost RACE TIME!
Participating in our Virtual Race is easy:
1. Choose your location, then run/ walk/jog/ bike/ row/ roll or treadmill any amount of miles at any pace.⠀⠀
2. Share your photos with the rest of #teamsparkle on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the hashtags #teamsparkle and #virtualmagicalraces. ⠀⠀
Post pics of your #flatsparkle (we encourage you to incorporate our “Run For The Bling” theme when choosing the clothes and gear you will rock), your medal, your run, and anything else you want to share. You’ll find you “Run For the Bling” Digital Toolkit & find some fun “stickers” to add to your photos below. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
Although we may be “racing” virtually, by posting your pics to our Facebook page, or using the hashtags #teamsparkle and #virtualmagicalraces on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, we can cheer everyone on!⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
3. Don’t forget to like & comment on posts using the #teamsparkle and #virtualmagicalraces hashtags of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to find an entire group of instant friends (as we like to say, no one supports you more than a virtual runner you’ve never met).
Virtual Race Digital Toolkit:
Digital Toolkit: Your digital toolkit includes a printable start and finish line, as well as markers for miles 1-13. Print your start and finish line & the number of miles you have chosen to un/ walk/jog/ bike/ row/ roll.
Virtual Race Photo “stickers”:
Save any or all of the following “stickers” to add a little extra magic to your pictures using your favorite photo editing software or app (on a computer: right-click to save; on a mobile device: hold down, click “open image” then hold down again and click “save image”).